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A diamond in the rough with endless New England charm and potential waiting to be restored! This single family home needs some TLC but is in an unbeatable location, in a well-established neighborhood with great conveniences, just off Gallivan Blvd, only 1 mile from Adams Village, less than a mile from Ashmont Station, easy access to 1-93 and 2 blocks from Walsh Playground. This 4-bedroom 1- bath home with over 2,000 square feet of living space offers a newer bathroom, roof, and heating system, and classic features like a fireplace, large rooms, classic hardwood floors and a perfectly sized city-yard! There is even a large unfinished basement perfect for adding value or storage space. The 0.14-acre lot includes a detached garage and 1 off-street parking spot. Perfect option for first-time home-buyers ready to make this space their own, those looking for an attractive condo alternative, or a wonderful opportunity for an investor to add to their rental portfolio.

Property Details of 19 Oakridge Street, Mattapan

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