Brickbottom Artists Building

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Are you looking for a place to call home? A place to get away from it all and still be close to everything? Welcome to the highly desirable and sought after Brickbottom - a vibrant artist community in Somerville. Park your car in your tandem garage parking spot and take the elevator to the Courtyard garden where you can release the tension from the day. Take a seat to enjoy this oasis away from it all. Make sure you peek in the windows of the award winning art gallery in the lobby. Continue to the second floor and discover this spacious 1562 sq ft unit. You'll be welcomed by an antique mahogany front door. Take in the high ceilings and open floor plan leading to a wall of windows. Because the space is open and flexible you get to choose what works for you. You will be torn between staying in to enjoy your beautifully curated space or stepping out to explore Somerville. Go a block to the newest Green Line stop, E.SOMERVILLE and you're off.

Property Details of 1 Fitchburg Street, Unit C220

Property Details

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